Thursday, June 26, 2014

HOW TO CONVERT KNOWLEDGE TO ACTION -- by Guest Jessican Everingham

Today I got angry about cheese.

Yes, cheese. Let me explain. 

This week I need to make a decision about my job. The problem is, I need another one. I’ve got a few options and I need to decide which will be best. It’s not an easy decision…and I hate making these decisions. Fear that I’ll make the wrong choice is paralyzing. But that’s okay, because I know I can trust God…right?

The cheese incident would say otherwise.

Maybe I’m not as good at trusting as I thought. It surprises me all the time how I can know things, but not really know them. You know?

There’s plenty of things I know about God in my head, thanks to my Christian upbringing. I know that God is faithful, I know I should forgive, I know it’s wrong to lust.

Does knowing mean I always do the right thing?

Well, if knowing was the same as doing, I’d also eat green vegetables, wash my car (15 months without a wash and counting!) and have regular dental check-ups. So, the short answer is, no.

The thing is, I also knew that head knowledge was different to heart knowledge. But it’s not till I’ve started experiencing it as an adult (I’m 22) that I’m realizing just how far apart they really are.

I’m also comprehending why regular time with God and other Christians is so important. I can know this stuff about God back to front and upside down, but when a crisis hits and I go into a tail spin, I need someone to throw a bucket of cold water on me and remind me of God’s truth.

So the morale of my cheese story? (To be honest, we even had other types of cheese in the fridge. It’s just that the one I bought was all eaten. *Feeling embarrassed. )

Well, number one, don’t let a cheese preference affect your emotions.

Number two, excessive feelings about cheese may indicate a deeper problem.

Number three, recognize that knowing things about God is easy. Living them is hard. Don’t be surprised when life experience starts to bite.

Number four, to help pry the teeth of life experience off your forearm, try jamming a Bible in its mouth. If that doesn’t work, open the up the Bible and read it. Then ring a mate to come help. It really makes a difference.
Jessica Everingham is an Australian journalist, boarding school mistress, blogger and aspiring author. When she’s not wrangling teenagers or chilling with her housemates, she’s usually bashing away at the keyboard of her computer. Join her in her journey with God at the blog Jessica Everingham Writing. 


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